Wild Fire
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disaster recovery trust

Supporting Sustainable Recovery

brian stoyel


Disaster Recovery Trust (DRT) aids and supports sustainable recovery following extreme weather disasters wherever and whenever they occur throughout the world.

When writing this report, I contemplate how wonderful it would be to say we have had no disasters this year! Sadly, I don’t think that day will ever come. Reports of floods, tremors or fires leaving families in dire straits for survival are daily events and, although heart wrenching, no sooner after hitting the headlines are they being replaced by another catastrophe.

Your dedicated DRT team continues to bring their expertise, specialism and patience to the Trust in the form of Zoom meetings, whilst continuing with their specific areas of responsibility: newsletter, marketing, social media, finance, website and, where possible, dedicated country involvement with Africa, Australia, the Caribbean, Europe, India, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom.

I continually remind everyone DRT is not the ‘knee jerk reaction’ but the long-term aid to sustainable community recovery when the press and cameras seek their next media opportunity! Our DRT criteria ensure Rotary ethics are paramount throughout the process and progress when granting aid to projects.

Trustees launch appeals at the behest of Rotarians wishing to support a natural disaster. It then requires Rotarians, not the Trustees, to determine how DRT can best help in the way of project grants and applications.

“Reports of floods, tremors or fires leaving families in dire straits for

survival are daily events.”

the roadmap to success is quite simple:

  1. Outline email
  2. Trustee assigned
  3. Initial application form
  4. Project considered applicable
  5. Detailed application form with costings
  6. Online Trustee meeting
  7. Request further information or immediate approval

All of this can be achieved in a matter of days!

The following donations and grants information shows we can help in so many ways, but we do request more funding applications for all our appeals. Criteria, guided by our registered charitable status, together with our initial and detailed application form, can be found on our website.

I reported last year that we were in conversation with the Charity Commission to ascertain whether we can use undistributed funds for other disasters after a five-year period. Discussion is ongoing through various channels, but we are optimistic our thoughts are being heard and considered.

Disasters and extreme weather events bring turmoil, anxiety, devastation, death, and disease with them, so overcoming the lack of continuous communication, facilities, and materials can be frustrating and time consuming for everyone. However, with the help of supporters, Rotarians, clubs and districts at home and abroad, DRT perseveres to achieve the sustainable results we all desire.

this year has seen activity in:

India flag with  standard shape color


Providing drinking water

After severe flooding to benefit some 30,000 people by a purification process known as reverse osmosis. This demanded cooperation between local labourers, electricity supplies and finally tests to comply with Indian government standards. Long-term maintenance and training agreements are in place, culminating with a final inspection by a Rotary Foundation Cadre member.

drinking water


Repairing toilet block

Funded from our general fund, we were able to assist the Lyasikika Secondary School in replacing a collapsed toilet block in the aftermath of heavy rains. The school had faced possible closure, but we are pleased to say the school roll has increased by our injection of funds. When we embark on projects, we insist on local labour and materials wherever possible.

Australia flag


Bushfire equipment

Ongoing projects to establish locally based firefighting units complete with necessary equipment and training by the county fire service to ensure remote communities can be prepared to fight the initial flames, rather than having to wait several days for help to arrive.

Work continues establishing projects in Pakistan, Turkey and Syria.

Two fire fighters and flames

Please support us

Disaster Recovery Trust is a deserving, rewarding operation supported by the Family of Rotary through clubs and districts worldwide, ensuring we are there to bring light and hope to those who require it most in their time of need.

Your continued support shows that Rotary and Rotarians are at hand in a time of crisis. I hope you view and promote our successes on our website: www.rotarygbi.org/disasterrecoverytrust

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